Baby Boys’ Photoshoot Outfits | Amazon Roundup
Whether you love or hate Amazon, there’s no denying that they have an absolutely incredible assortment of baby and children’s clothing that’s perfect for photoshoots. While I have a huge wardrobe available to all of my clients to use for free, sometimes there’s a perfect piece that you know you want to snag for your session, especially if you’ll use it again at a later date. Also, many of you are photographers who are working on filling client closets of your own, and these pieces are a fantastic way to go!
While some people love collecting high end, heirloom pieces, I have never been a mom (or photographer) who felt great about spending a large amount of money on children’s clothes. Babies and kids wear clothes hard and frequently stain or rip them, and it’s important to me that my clients don’t feel nervous about their kids wearing my wardrobe items – I want them to relax and have fun and have stress or neatness be the furthest thing from their mind! Of course, it’s non-negotiable that the clothing still looks amazing in photos. And each of these pieces I’ve collected here is exactly that: affordable, washable, and photogenic – but not a large investment.
For this roundup, I selected almost exclusively outfits with long pants, and ones that can be layered with sweaters or other long sleeves underneath. In Boise, we’ve still got a few months of cool weather ahead, and it won’t be time for summer wear until June at the earliest. Next roundup, I’ll make sure to include more items that show off those cute chubby baby boy legs and keep them cool in the heat!
And as you browse, keep in mind that every single one of these styles pictured comes in additional colors. Don’t skip one just because you’re looking for a different shade, because it might be waiting for you in the perfect color. 😉
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Baby Boys’ Photoshoot Outfits | Amazon Roundup
Want to skip the shopping altogether? I offer a complete wardrobe for women, children, and babies, so that you don’t have to purchase anything unless you’d like to. Take a look at my family & newborn session information, and send me an email for details!
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