If this family session doesn’t make you want to get a fire going, curl up in a blanket, and snuggle with your loved ones, then you probably don’t share my love for fall. Not that we really get fall in San Diego – October is often prime beach weather and just as hot as ever, and November is just getting cool enough to wear pants. But because fall is wonderful (it’s the one thing I miss most about living in Pennsylvania!), we do what we can to pretend out here, consuming all things pumpkin spice and wearing boots with sundresses and flannel with shorts, and we hold out until winter when we stop feeling jealous of the rest of the country because it’s 65 here and 25 everywhere that got real fall. 😉
Now enjoy this cozy session with the Simons family and their adorable little boys, and grab a warm beverage because it wasn’t roasting hot today!
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